IC Care Principles

1. We are One Body

My suffering is my loved one’s suffering and my happiness is my loved one’s happiness. Our responses impact each other.


2. "Inner Constellation" Care is Vital

Compassionate, wise care for self provides the foundation for healthy, sustainable care of those I love and the world around me.


3. Spirituality of Imperfection

Addiction, trauma, extreme emotional states…are the ingredients for my growth. Like stars in a constellation, they uniquely make up who I am, my wisdom and what I have learned.


4. Community Action as Antidotes to Loneliness and Despair

Connection and a sense of broader purpose provides me and others with meaning, support and inspiration.




How are the above care principles put into concrete action? F.R.E.E.

Find Your Breath

Mindful Meditation - mindfulness grows the capacity to manage suffering in myself and others, and to find and cultivate the goodness in myself and others.


Remember Who I Am and What Matters Most

Direct Experience – guided meditation, ceremony, song, storytelling, learning, and caring for others allows me to experience unconditional love, peace, and gratitude. As my understanding widens, healing begins.



Spirituality of Imperfection – Life is the star chart. I am resilient, wise, and capable of learning from my life experiences and those around me as I move forward.



Collective Engaged Action – I serve community and family. Deep listening and loving speech are the foundations of care. We come together not to fix, but to be present and seek understanding. This takes continual practice and an opening of the heart.




Watch Karla's TEDx Talk incorporating the F.R.E.E. practice

Trigger Warning: Active addiction is discussed in this talk, please take care of yourself when watching.