Social Action

What is mine to do?

Social action answers this question. We all feel moved by the sufferings in the world and wonder how we can help. We’ve felt the pull. The desire to help is a beautiful, innate part of being human. We know that just feeling moved isn’t enough. Often we look to others—governments, social services, or skilled individuals—to take action. The call to social action says, I’m not waiting for others, I’m not waiting for the perfect skillset, I’m engaging with compassion.


Social action takes many forms, from giving money and prayers to protesting, listening, doing physical labor, cooking meals, caring for the earth, and letter writing. It’s also known as engaged practice. Many spiritual traditions recognize the necessity of supporting one another not just out of a sense of responsibility, but from a foundation of kindness, peace, and love.


Inner Constellation supports you in exploring what moves you, identifying your gifts and those unique ingredients in your precious life—your unique constellation. What can be offered? What do you know? Do you know how to knit? Offer a hat to someone who is cold. Pay attention to what moves your heart, then do something, not because you expect payment or recognition, not because you were asked, but because you saw the need, felt the pull and could not help but do it. This takes some examination. Join us in community as we explore, deepen, and express what is ours to do.


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